Website Traffic Generator - Generator traffic for a website

Use this application to generator website traffic for a website. This tool only visits internal links. So it would visit external links. You can specify a minimum and maximum time to view each page. You can also set it to have unlimited views. Simply type in the website address and click start to generator views.

How to use:
1.Enter in the website arress you want to generator traffic for.
2.Set the minimum amount of time you would like to view a page for. This will be used for all pages viewed.
3.Set the minimum amount of time you would like to view a page for. This will be used for all pages viewed. To prevent detection as an automated process, each page will be viewed for a random time between the minimum and maximum times given.
4.If you only want to view each page once, leave 'Unlimited Views' unchecked. If you want to continiously view all pages, select the 'Unlimited Views' option. The website will be viewed until you stop the programm running.
5.Click 'Start Crawling' to start generating traffic.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Website Traffic Generator Main Display

6. Each page will pop up and display on screen. There is no need to interact. The page will be closed automatically and proceed to the next page.
FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Website Traffic Generator Popup