Snapshot Difference - Take a snapshot of your computer and find changes in your drive and/or registry
Snapshot Difference lets you scan and compare the difference on your hard drive and registry. Snapshot difference offers flexibility on what you company in the registry and hard drive.
How to use:
1. Select if you want to scan and compare the register. Pick parts of the registry you want to scan. If you don't want to scan the registry, leave all unchecked.
2. Browse to the location you want to scan and compare on your drive, network drive or device. If you don't want to scan your drive, leave this empty.
3. Click "Take Sanpshot" and wait for it to completed. Once completed, installed/remove software or make changes to your computer.
4. Click "Compare Difference" and wait for it to completed. It will now show any changes that were made from taking the initial snapshot to clicking the "Compare Difference" button.