File/Folder Permissions Auditor - Find out who and what has permission to files and/or folders

File/Folder Permissions Auditor allows you to scan files/folders to get the accounts and permission levels. This allows you to maintain control over who has access to what on a network or computer. Use the Tree View to see files/folder permissions live and/or export the data to share with others in several formats, including text and CSV files. This is a good tool for auditing large amounts of data, supporting long paths.

How to use:
1. Open the location you want to scan file/folder permissions.
2. Choose if you want to scan only folders, or if you want to scan both files and folders.
3. Choose if you want to display results in a tree view or just collect the data to export. (Note: Tree view takes a longer time to complete the scan)
4. Click "Scan" to initial the scan and get file/folder permissions.

If using tree view, apply filters to limit the data being displayed.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - File/Folder Permissions Auditor

Export Options

After the scan completes, you can export the data in to text, CSV or program data files (Program data files can only be read by the auditor program or viewer).

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - File/Folder Permissions Auditor Export

Convert program data into text or CSV file types.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - File/Folder Permissions Auditor Convert