Text to Image Encryption/Decryption - Hide text/messages or files in images and retrieve them securely later

This program allows you to easily hide text/messages or files within an image. This is done through encryption/decryption. Hide messages in plain sight. No one will be the wiser.

How to use:
Encrypting Text/Message or File to Image
1. Select the image you want to encrypt with the text/message or file. This is known as the carrier image.
2. Create or use a key to encrypt with. This can be from a file or you can type it in.
3. Select the text/message or file you want to encrypt into the image. Either locate the file or enter the text in the message area on screen.
4. Click on 'Hide Message'.
5. Click on 'Save Results'.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Text To Image Encryption

6. Select the location to save the encrypted image and then click 'Save'.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Text To Image Encryption Save

Decrypting Text/Message or File from Image
7. Extracting text/message or file can be done by browsing for the encrypted image.
8. Enter in the same key you used to encrypt the image with.
9. Click on the 'Extract' tab.
10. Select either to save the hidden text to file or if it should be displayed on screen.
11. Click on the 'Extract Hidden Text'.

FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Text To Image Decryption

Original Image
FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Text To Image Decryption

After Text Encryption in Image
FW Admin Tech Tool Pro - Text To Image Decryption